
February 19, 2011

“Thank God a writer as good as Andrew Ferguson has finally written a book about what I, after two serious bouts of it, call ‘college madness.’ His title Crazy U says it faster and funnier. I’ve heard it called other colorful names but none fit for a book lying around in a high school junior’s home.” — Tom Wolfe

“Alas, by the time our almost-grown children arrive on campus, they will already have been hardened by exposure to the principles of Absurdistan. As a parent, I wish I had read Andrew Ferguson’s guide to this world of bloviation, hypocrisy and bureaucracy before I was pitchforked into it myself.”
— Christopher Hitchens

From the publisher:

The cutthroat competition to get into the perfect college can drive students to the brink of madness and push their parents over the edge and bury them in an avalanche of books that claim to hold the secret of success. Don’t worry: Crazy U is not one of those books. It is instead a disarmingly candid and hilariously subversive chronicle of the journey that millions of parents and their children undertake each year a journey through the surreal rituals of college admissions. It’s a rollicking ride from the man Christopher Buckley has called my all-time favorite writer.

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